Bits & Pieces

Every month we hold a meeting for members to present projects that they have been working on. This gives the opportunity for individuals to demonstrate the work that they have done and discuss how they have progressed, along with gaining advice from other members if issues have been encountered.

Presentations given by members are scored by attendees and the totals are cumulated through the year, with the winner receiving a cup at the end of the year.

These are just a few of our previous Bits and Pieces items –

Gauge one wagon castings produced in resin by Martin Botting.
Small wood plane blade sharpening jigs (including spoke shaves) by Martin Botting.
New oil breathers for his flat four I/C engine by Brian Reece.
Miniature circular saw bench from castings by Colin Docherty.
Clacks and pipework for a 5 inch 0-4-0 Ajax locomotive (ex Russel Coffin) plus a simple dividing device, by John Miriam.
3D printed window frames and glass inserts for Gauge 1 carriages by Richard Sparkes.
Radio controlled ‘Bumper’ boat, complete with action man skipper. Constructed for a competition this coming summer, by Philip Wickenden-Taylor.
Ignition timing wheels and sensor by Brian Reece, for his flat four I/C engine.
After completing a diorama of Queen Victoria’s funeral, Alan has embarked on a new diorama of the funeral of the late Queen Elizabeth
Double acting hand boiler feed pump for ‘Pet’. Eric’s model of the NG locomotive from Crewe works
Wooden model of an american outline locomotive and tender, built from a kit by Brian Reece
  • Other items –